Today's problems don't stop at borders, and neither should our solutions.
This year, a new generation of Europeans will be voting for the first
time in the EU Parliament elections. They live in a future of new
technology, changing social values, and the impacts of climate change.
And they hold the answers to some of the biggest questions facing Europe
Europe Talks 2024 will bring together first-time voters from every EU country to design solutions for Europe's most important issues. Join us in Berlin to design the Europe you want to see in the future.
Registrations for the program have closed

About the program
Participants will break into small teams to create solutions for the biggest problems facing Europe's future: security, migration, climate change, human rights, disinformation, European identity, and more.
Each group will be guided by coaches from Are We Europe, a border-breaking media platform for innovation and design thinking. Each group will also receive help from a mentor, who is a leading expert in each topic. At the end of the day, your solutions will be presented to a panel of activists, journalists, politicians, and researchers from across Europe.

The important stuff
When? May 31, 2024
Where? Berlin, Germany. The event is hosted by Publix, a new home for journalism in the heart of the city.
Who can join? Anyone aged 18-22 who is eligible to vote in the upcoming EU parliament elections.
How do I get there? Travel stipends of up to 200€ are available for participants who will join from outside Germany.
Does it cost anything to participate? No, this is a free program.
About Europe Talks 2024
The design program for first-time voters is part of Europe Talks, Europe's largest cross border dialogue project. Since 2019 more than 59,000 people in 37 countries have participated in a Europe Talks event.
In a time when we are more connected than ever, it is still difficult to meet someone who sees the world differently. Europe Talks connects people for a 1:1 conversation to share ideas, find common ground, and form opinions about the most important issues of today. These constructive conversations have been proven to decrease polarization and increase empathy across political divides.
Connect with passionate and creative young people, and network with
Europe's leading minds. Participants will break into small teams, and
receive guidance from design coaches and mentors working in their topic.
9:00 - Opening keynotes and welcoming remarks, meet the mentors for each topic track
10:30 - Break into small teams. Coaches from Are We Europe will guide each team through exercises to design solutions for their topic
17:00 - Solutions will be presented to a group of journalists, MP's, activists, and researchers
19:00 - Dinner and dancing!
Apply to join the program! Together, you and your team will discuss the different impacts of each topic on your country and community, and come up with solutions for a better Europe tomorrow.
Registrations for the program have closed
Who can apply?
The program is open to anyone between 18 and 22 years old who is eligible to vote in the European Parliament elections.
Do I have to choose one topic to work on?
Yes, participants will spend the whole day working on solutions for one topic. Participants can choose their preferred topics in the program application.
Does it cost anything to participate?
No! The program is free for accepted participants.
Is there any funding available to cover travel costs?
Thanks to financial support from the Bertelsmann Stiftung, we are able to provide travel stipends of up to 200€ for participants coming from outside Germany.
Will accommodation in Berlin be provided?
No, but you may use your travel stipend to cover accommodation costs. Berlin-based participants can also offer to host someone from abroad.
How will participants be chosen?
We have a limited number of spots available, and we want to make the program as diverse as possible. We will try to accept as many applicants as possible while also representing all 27 EU member states.
Can I also take part in Europe Talks?
Yes! Europe Talks is a great way to discuss the main problems we face as a continent, and share ideas for solutions. You can sign up at